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Covid Procedures



The Club will be working within Guidelines set out by the

Welsh Government and Bowls Wales.

In advance
Do not go to Club if you are experiencing any covid19 symptoms. Use NHS 111 website or helpline or seek Medical advice.
Follow advice about self isolation.
All players, officials, spectators should not leave home to enter the stadium if they, or someone they live with, is symptomatic or suspects they have been exposed to the virus.
See Welsh gov guidelines

28/01/2022 Return to Alert level Zero.

Clarification on new Alert Level Zero which starts on Friday 28/01/2022..
All restrictions, except the wearing of masks, have been lifted.

The wearing of masks is mandatory indoors but anything else is optional.
The rinks go back to normal  including 8 player league games .

29/12/2021 Rule relating to 30 person limit.

You will be aware of the recent announcements made by the First Minister following the rise in Covid cases. Following this announcement, the WIBA has now issued revised guidance for indoor bowling to bring it in line with these new rules, and the Committee has updated our Risk Assessment to make sure the Club follows these rules and guidance wherever it is possible. It is our intention to continue playing bowls this season, but we recognise that we will have to change our format to make sure we follow the new rules and guidance.


The main change to the way that we have been organising our matches so far this year is that we are now restricted to a maximum of 30 bowlers in the Hall at any one time. This will have an effect on the men’s leagues on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday as on those days we currently have between 32 and 40 players on the green at one time. While the Friday Afternoon League uses only two rinks, the guidelines do not advise playing a 4s format as players then typically congregate together behind the jack. We have examined all the ways we can continue to play that follow the new maximum number and social distancing guidelines, and have agreed that the fairest way we can continue to play, while providing the most opportunity for players to get a regular match, is to reduce the play from 4s to triples. This means we can stick to the existing fixtures but it does mean that the individual team schedules are going to have to change.


Could I ask you, therefore, to inform your team members that we will, from next week when play resumes, be playing triples for the Monday, Tuesday,  Thursday, and Friday Afternoon Leagues. For the Friday Evening League we can continue with the existing format as the format for these leagues is already doubles.


We will be asking all players to observe social distancing while playing and entering and leaving the hall. To allow adequate distancing during play we will be moving the T forward 1 metre to allow players to stay apart while behind the jack. We will be advising players to wear a mask while playing wherever possible. We will be asking players to use the green to pass each other in the areas of the hall such as in front of the notice boards or under the mural. The same rules that currently apply when entering or leaving the hall must still be followed.


While we can’t be sure we do not expect these rules to be in place for very long. By changing our playing format over this period we can continue to play the sport we all love while remaining safe. As things change will continue to adapt but in the meantime I thank you for your patience over this time and hope we can get through it together


Nick Sharp

Men’s League Secretary

On Arrival in the Bowls Hall:

Please maintain social distancing at all times;  the wearing of a mask or face covering is a requirement.   Please also maintain social distancing at all times, especially when changing shoes, etc. at your locker.



Prior to play a team member will need to sanitise the jack and mats.  Wipes and sanitisers will be available on every rink.  At the end of play, a team member will again need to sanitise the mats and jack before returning it to the office.   Don’t assume the previous player has sanitised both mats and jack.

Masks or face coverings must be worn at all times but may be removed during play but should again be worn if a player  temporarily leaves the rink for a toilet visit, etc.


Playing in League Games

Please see GENERAL above.  Report to your team Skip who will collect the £3.00 green fee from each player.   Skips will  pay the total team fee at the office when the jack is collected.


Players’ names on the league scorecards will  fulfil the Track and Trace requirements.


Roll Ups

Please see GENERAL above. 

On arrival at the Bowls Hall, please report to the Steward who will record your name and contact details for Track and Trace requirements.   Before starting to play, please sanitise the jack and mats and at the end of play, please again sanitise the mats and jack before returning it to the office.

Don’t assume the previous player has sanitised both mats and jack.




We ask for your patience and understanding during this difficult time.  Many thanks for your co-operation.


20th September 2021



The Club will be working within Guidelines set out by the

Welsh Government and Bowls Wales.


It is a mandatory requirement that everyone entering the Bowls Hall is required to wear a mask or face covering.

League Games

Team Skips will pay to the Steward the total green  fee for their team.  Please remind Skips that a member of their team will be required  to sanitise the jack and mats before the start of their game and again at the end of play before returning the jack to the office.  Wipes and sanitisers will be available on every rink. 


Masks or face coverings may be removed during play but should again be worn if a player temporarily leaves the rink to visit the toilets, etc.

Players’ names on the league scorecards will  fulfil the Track and Trace requirements.

Club Members’ Roll Ups and Casual Bowlers

When collecting green fees for roll ups, please record players names and contact numbers in the diary provided.   This is a requirement for Track and Trace purposes. 


We ask for your patience and understanding during this difficult time.  Many thanks for your co-operation.


20th September 2021


Take up bowls today >

How to find us...

Ogwr Indoor Bowls Club, Angel St, Bridgend CF31 4AH