Officers and committee

In accordance with the club constitution, the Executive committee shall have day to day control of the club including financial matters for the benefit of club members.

Mens and ladies committees oversee matters pertaining to bowls for each section. Mens and ladies committees oversee matters pertaining to bowls for each section. Mens and ladies committees oversee matters pertaining to bowls for each section.

Executive Committee

Chairman: Wynne Walters – telephone 07775 545951

Treasurer: Carol Phillips – telephone 07765419735

Secretary: Marianne Acreman – telephone 01443 222984

Mens Sections representatives: Peter Groom, Nick Sharp

Ladies Sections representatives: Liz Anderson and Joan Stride

Mens Section

Chairman and Fixtures secretary: Peter Groom

Secretary: Malcolm Wooley

Treasurer: Wynne Walters

League secretary: Nick Sharp

Other representatives: Arthur Hunter, Ken Adams

Ladies Section

Chair: Liz Anderson

Treasurer: Carol Phillips

Secretary: Marianne Acreman

League secretary: Janice Tucker

Take up bowls today >

How to find us...

Ogwr Indoor Bowls Club, Angel St, Bridgend CF31 4AH